99 Names Of Allah

Allah –


BENEFİT : Who repeats this name at least 1000
times his heart will be free from
doubts and suspicions. If any body suffering from some incurable disease repeats this Name many times, then prays to Allah for recovery, he will recover from the disease, by the Grace of Allah.

2: Ar-Rahman


BENEFİTS : Who repeart this name 100 times after each fard (Obligatory) prayer will have good memory, a keen awareness, and be free of a heavy heart.

3: Ar-Rahim


– He who repeat this name 100 times
after each Fajr (Early Morning) prayer
will find everyone to be friendly
towards him and he will be safe from
all worldly calamities.

4:  Al-Malik


– He who repeats this name many
times every day after the morning
prayer. Will become rich by the
grace of Allah.

5:  Al-Quddus


– The heart of those who repeat this name 100 times each day will be free from anxiety. 

6 – As-Salam


He who repeats this name 160 time
to a sick person, will help him to
regain health. He who repeats this
name frequently will be safe from all


i was wasting time with this article about you, hope you like it babe!


extremely loyal to those
who appreciate and support him,
and will protect and cherish the
person for a long time. One of the
greatest things about vaisaak is
his ability to make others feel
good about themselves and loved.
This is because instead of doing this
for his self, he project this
onto other people. This is a positive
cycle because in making others feel
nurtured, wanted and loved, he in
return feel good for making
someone feel good. Other people
can lean on and depend on vaisaak,
he will listen to people’s problems
and help them however he will
rarely express his own deep
feelings to anyone. People who
want to share deep emotional
thoughts and opinions with a
vaisaak might feel that the scales
are tipped on one side for vaisaak
will rarely reveal it’s true deep
feelings. A friend of vaisaak is
usually a lifelong devoted friend
that can be trusted.

    Vaisaak & Business

Once vaisaak resolved his
emotional issues such as shyness
and insecurity, the powerful
character will shine though, there is
practically nothing he can’t do.
he have incredible perseverance
and will stand up for what he
believe in. With his strong
intuition, sensitivity, powers of
observation and intelligence, he
will have great success in anything
he undertake. he is an excellent
business person and investors
because of his intuitive and
psychic ability and his creative
forward thinking mind, he is
able to predict future trends. also he
attract wealth very well and know
where to invest. Money and
financial well being is very
important to vaisaak and this can
help his drive in business. he
need financial security and if he
allow himself to properly focus
his energy and do not allow
emotions to over take him, hr
is more then capable of obtaining
his financial goals and being
incredibly successful business
    Vaisaak Temperament

– fragile,
unpredictable and temperamental
and need constant support and
encouragement, more than you think
Even when all his needs
are satisfied, he can be irritable
and cranky. he have an uneasy,
delicate temperament. The
contradictory nature of vaisaak gives
his temperament the wild mood
swings and possible temper
tantrums. he is easily offended
and will sulk and wallow in self pity
for a long time when they get hurt.

Vaisaak’s  Deep Inside:

this was so long for me to discover,

— It is difficult for vaisaak to open up
and have a close emotionally
fulfilled relationship with someone
because he is so closed off
emotionally and physically to the
world. This is driven by their fear
of trust, vaisaak has a difficult time
trusting people. This causes built
up anger and resentment inside,
the contradictory nature really
takes a toll on him and he can
have a negative outlook on life,
thinking that life is just too hard
and miserable. This is unfortunate
because when good experiences are
to be had, he is skeptical of
people and their surroundings and
he experience tunnel vision due to
their depressed outlook and he
miss the nice things and happy
experiences in life that make it
worth living. In addition to lack of
trust for people, vaisaak is deeply
sensitive and easily hurt, this is
other reason why he have their
defense shell in place, to avoid
being hurt by others. vaisaak lives
in the past. he hold past events
close to them and often dwell on
the past. he have to learn to let
go and live in the present instead of
spending their time being sick with
nostalgia. vaisaak has a lot of
emotional issues to deal with but
once he overcome this large hump
of shyness and insecurity, there is
practically nothing he can’t do.
With his strong intuition,
sensitivity, powers of observation
and intelligence, he will have
great success in anything his

What it’s like to date Vaisaak 😀

vaisaak will not be direct
with you. He will approach you
cautiously and slowly. He will be
very romantic and flirty and
attempt to court you and win your heart with attention. The reason he will never be direct with you is that he has a strong underlying fear of rejection.
He falls in love easily
and will make you his whole world.
Once you “belong to him”, he will
hold on to you and can become
quite jealous and possessive. This is
because he is worried he will lose
you to another man and that would
crush his spirit. He needs you to be
loyal and faithful for he is the
same, in a strong and close
He might not show it however and might portray a calm and cool exterior but underneath, he feels deeply and intensely vaisaak can be easily offended
will take offense and get hurt, but once again, this will not be known to you. He will simply sulk on his own while he tries to figure out and dissect what you said.

   How To Attract  Vaisaak 😀

You must be direct, vaisaak will not. Let your feelings for them be known, this is the first step to
initiating a relationship with a vaisaak, This way, will not have to
risk rejection, one of biggest
fears. Trust is the most important. Build trust
with him and he will gradually
get closer to you. Give him
approval and compliments but be careful because he will easily
sense when you are complimenting him just for the sake of it. Be sincere. Ask vaisaak for advice,
share your problems (but don’t
burden him), he enjoy helping
people and giving advice.

Muslim couple

I praise Allah for sending me you my
You found me home and sail with
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was
But everything was changed when
you came along


For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and
Until the end of my time
I`ll be loving you, loving you
For the rest of my life
Through days and nights
I’ll thank Allah for opening my eyes
Now and forever I
I`ll be there for you


I know it deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of U
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my wife & my friend & my
And I pray we`re together in Jannah
Finally now I’ve found myself, I feel
so strong
I guess everything was changed
when you came along
And there’s a couple of words I
wanna say


   —- Muslim

Allahu Akbar

If you ask me about love
And what i know about it
My answer would be
It’s everything about Allah
The pure love, to our souls
The creator of you and me
The heavens and the whole universe
The one that made us whole and free
The guardian of His true believers
So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As He promised He will always be
To bless us with His love and His
Cuz as He promised He will always
be there
He’s always watching us


guiding us
And He knows what’s in our little
So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
Cuz as He promised He will always
be there


He brings us out from the darkness
into the light
Subhanallah capable of everything
Shouldn’t never feel afraid of
As long as we follow His guidance all
the way
Through our short time we have in
this life


– Muslims

For All Muslim

Every time you feel like you cannot
go on
You feel so lost
And That you’re so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can`t see which way to go
Don`t despair and never lose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side


Insha Allah you`ll find your way
Every time you commit one more
You feel you can`t repent
And that it’s way too late
You`re so confused, wrong decisions
you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is
full of shame


Turn to Allah
He`s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don`t let me go
You`re the only one that showed me
the way
Showed me the way




According to a well-stated proverb,
the darkest hour is just before the
dawn. And although astronomically
the darkest point is much earlier,
the truth of this proverb is
metaphoric—but in no way less real.
So often we find that the darkest
times in our lives are followed by
the most precious. Often, it is at
the moment when everything looks
broken that something least
expected lifts us and carries us
through. Did not Prophet Ayoub
lose everything one by one, before it
was all given back and more?
Yes.  For Prophet Ayoub, the night
was real. And for many of us, it
seems to last forever. But Allah
does not allow an endless night. In
His mercy, he gives us the sun. Yet
there are times when we feel our
hardships won’t cease. And maybe
some of us have fallen to such a
spiritual low in our deen (religion)
that we feel disconnected from our
Creator. And maybe for some of us,
it’s so dark, we don’t even notice.
But like the sun that rises at the
end of the night, our dawn has
come.  In His infinite mercy,


has sent the light of Ramadan to
erase the night. He has sent the
month of the Qur’an so that He
might elevate us and bring us from
our isolation to His nearness. He
has given us this blessed month to
fill our emptiness, cure our
loneliness, and end our soul’s
poverty. He has sent us the dawn
that we might find from darkness –
light. Allah says,

“He it is Who sends blessings on
you, as do His angels, that He may
bring you out from the depths of
Darkness into Light: and He is Full of
Mercy to the Believers” (Qur’an,
33:43 ).


As we enter this blessed month of
mercy, I give this advice to myself
first, and then to you:
Don’t let this Ramadan be just a
holiday of rituals. Don’t finish
reading the Quran without it
transforming you. Don’t feed your
body at suhoor,


but starve your
heart of Qiyam. Don’t reduce this
downpour of mercy to just a month
of sweets and lavish iftars. Seek Him,
you will find. Take a sincere step
towards change, transformation,
redemption. If you do, you will find
Him in front of you. Find Him this
month. He’s been there all along.
Closer than your jugular vein. Look
and you’ll find. Walk and you’ll


every breath is a script

in this world there are
people you look up to and
people you look into, ‘too often a person grows
complacent with their

you are the universe. you
are not new to this, you are
experiencing yourself as you
live with yourself breathing
through yourself. sense?

Most of the stuff I cared for
are things I now couldn’t
care less for and it’s scary to
me how time & experience
can change me like that.


if we can vibe merely by
being in one another’s
presence? We’ve already
accomplished something


Everyone’s so shocked or
impressed that you’re baring
your soul, while to you it’s
nothing because you know
you’ve twenty more layers to


We wait in lines. We wait for
movies to come out. We wait
for our birthdays. We wait
for paydays. We wait for
holidays. It’s all we do.


There is nothing wrong with
having beliefs but all beliefs
should continually be
challenged, expanded and
when appropriate, released.


Fasting for me is all about
purifying the Nafs(ego).


When you are comfortable
with who you are as a
person, other people’s
opinions do not matter. All
that matters is your own
personal truth.


Stop holding on to stuff that
you don’t need. You’re
blocking the blessing.


It is the same light that
exists inside of you, me and
all of creation.


There is one source of light
in this universe. Whether
you call it God, Allah, Christ,
Buddha, Krishna, or the Sun
makes no difference to me It is the same light that
exists inside of you, me and
all of creation. There is nothing wrong with
having beliefs but all beliefs
should continually be
challenged, expanded and
when appropriate, released.


-Kelly Om

Faith vs Fear

Faith vs. Fear


The internet is an interesting place. Opinions, feelings, gripes, thoughts being shared all over the globe at any given point of the day. Surreal sometimes to see how easily connected we are. We can get to know people, without knowing them.

Anyway. Scrolling through my timeline today, I stumbled upon a man criticizing Athiests and muslims. His verbatim sentiments being: “I wonder how Atheists gonna feel when the Day of Judgment arrives..!?! SaltyAF”, then going on to verbally attack anyone with a rebuttal. Christians, alike. 

Homie. Was. MAD.Image

It truly does upset me to see self-acclaimed god-fearing people spew hate and judgement in response to those who don’t fall in line with their belief systems. It’s always made more sense to me to lead by example. I’d delve a lot further into his method of ministry, but there’s alcohol to indulge in. Suffice it to say his method is counterproductive. Image 

Governing self out of fear of consequence, disappointing a higher being/authority, or eternal punishment doesn’t equate to moral goodness. 

Not consciously, anyway.

I remember being introduced to masjid and seeing what Faith did for my mother. How it changed her completely, how you could see the peace she’d found in her eyes. As a kid, I couldn’t consciously say that I believed or connected. I just knew I wanted what my mother had. 

So the story goes, as I got older, that I didn’t identify those teachings, the teachings that rebirthed my mother, as my truth. I remember being taught in church that being a good person meant nothing if I didn’t accept this idea of god to be MY god. That if I denied him, he’d deny me. Eternal smoldering. That scared me. My thoughts, my doubts, my inability to connect myself to god scared the shit out of me. So much so that I told my mother that I wanted to get baptised as a sort of “reinforcement” of the teachings. To start anew and commit myself to the walk with god.

A year later? I’d “come out” as a non-believer.  

ImageI could never imagine choosing to spend my life living to be compliant and willfully unaware of my own ideas and thoughts. I wish the kind of peace my mother has found for everyone. I wish it for myself. Organized religion, however, doesn’t work for me. I’m a child of the Universe. Practicing my faith, embodying my philosophies, and shedding light whenever and wherever I can. And I wish folks, such as the unfortunate man who’s approach (though passionate) only does good to scare away those who are unsure but searching for their own faith, would adopt that philosophy to lead by example, for themselves. 

Slavery = slaves + masters Feudalism = serfs + lords Capitalism = workers + bosses Communism = laborers – masters – lords – bosses = FREEDOM

Don’t let anyone try to tell
you “human nature”
somehow includes power
hierarchies and classes of
non-laborers being in charge
of laborers.
Cable boxes rarely break.
Same was true of phones
back when those were also
owned by the utility
companies instead of by us.
To call us
“pack animals” & assume us
beholden to the traits of
similar species seems to
ignore our exceptional
uniqueness, no?
everything can be learned of
a species by studying
cousins. Also, we are the
first species capable of
changing our nature
So even if I
concede hierarchy to be in
our nature, also is “not
breathing underwater”…and
yet we managed to solve
that prob.
There are
also plenty of co-ops,
communes and so forth
thriving without any
hierarchal leadership…so
how is that explained???
How can we
know that to be “innate”
rather than a reaction to
environment, conditioning,
I have
seen humanity do
better…seen people live
lives free of capitalist
exploitation…and I for one
wish to join them.
unequal in abilities does
not require leadership. It is
simply made more efficient
by division of labor, not of
You don’t
need “someone” in power if
everyone is in power. People
can vote on decisions.
Seriously, please visit a local
You seem far
more interested in proving
that as a correct assumption
than in looking for possible
flaws within your own logic.
Only after
you name one unsuccessful
country that was actually
communist when it fell and
not state-capitalist.
Also it
cannot be said that
communism on a large scale
is at all compatible with
nationalism. Full
communism can only be
You can’t
just say “we are
communist”…and actually
USSR & China have openly
admitted their capitalism
since almost the start.
With each generation
capitalism makes it more
impossible for those at the
bottom to rise to the top,
thus creating a full birther
Why is “truthseeker” not a
job? Some should have
revocable positions
dedicated to resolving
matters wrongfully thought
to be of “opinion”.
Even children still starve to
death within the most
developed nations in the
world while bakeries discard
day-old breads.
If humanity should survive
long enough to see our
present as its history I only
wonder if we will be a
source of laughter or
sadness & shame
Both religion and capitalism
leave trails of ignorant or
defiant bodies in their wake.
Such immoralities must be
abandoned. – Kelly Om